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dm armstrong

dm armstrong is the author of the story collections Going Anywhere (Leapfrog 2014) and Reiterations (New American 2017), as well as a chapbook, Missives from the Green Campaign (Omnidawn 2017).


Their work appears in Kenyon Review, Mississippi Review, Narrative, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, North American Review, Iron Horse Literary Review, the Orison Anthology, Desert Companion Magazine, Best of Ohio Short Stories, and elsewhere.


Their stories have won the Mississippi Review Prize, Yemassee’s William Richey Short Fiction Contest, the New South Writing Contest, and Jabberwock Review’s Prize for Fiction, among other awards.


dm was a PhD Black Mountain Institute Fiction Fellow at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, fiction editor of Witness Magazine, and is a proud alum of the Clarion Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers' Workshop 2018.


A professor of Creative Writing at the University of the Incarnate Word, they live in San Antonio with their incredible partner, son, and a grumpy, old dog.

©2021 by dm armstrong.

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